Friday, October 3, 2008

My New Blog.. again.. grrr

Seriously.. i am tired of running from these people who hacked to my laptop n managed to get password for my email and my last blog.. so again, i created this blog to replace the old one.. but to whoever yang obsess sangat nak ruin people's life ( not to mention i lost my important contacts and valueable data in that email yang i cudnt access dah tu), if u have any problem with me, come and tell me straight to my face rather than buat benda2 macam nie.. and if u have any question that needed a truthful answer, u can always come personally to me and i wud be nothing but be honest.. but not this way la kawan.. u hacked into people's personal data.. u bash people teruk2.. but u're too coward to show urself, u think people will buy ur stories ke?

anyway.. to my deary friends... i think i'm gonna post back every single post dat i upload dekat my previous blog.. syg gak.. penat i type kat situ kan.. suddenly tak leh access.. so.. will do dat very soon..

and wanna wish a very happy hari raya to all.. esp;

- my dearest abah.. semoga tenang di sana..
- my family.. mama, abang n kak iza, nyah n abg zam, n lil rifqi n lil ika..
- for that special sumone.. :)
- my fwens, riz, ifa, dee, lan, krol, azrul, wan@ tompok, fazli, dicky n kaloi, tini, lola ( wlupun tak smbut ) dira, hilal, fairuz, khai, burhan, fa, mas, jass..alahai pjg la plak list.. semua2 la..
- my exs.. :P
- my deawest fwen Dr. A,
- my lecturer, esp to my beloved supervisor Mr Ismail, Dr Murnizam, Dr Yasmin, Dr Ramzah n abang Fahmy.. n again.. long list..
-my seniors, KS, Abg Avi, kak Ijan, Abg Rizal, Abg Hafeez,and of course to dearest Abg Nazri n Abg Mamak..
-semua2 yang i havent mention tu doesnt mean dat i lupa..

semoga semua salah silap saya dimaafkan..minta halalkan segalanya..
n especially untuk sumone yang hack to my email.. i wudnt forgive u ever until u'll pass me back my password!!! i need my email back!!! :(